The API is provided to you to conduct normal business activities through your own interface(s). Any activity using the API, that causes lossage or creates service degradation for other users, is constituted as abuse by ResellerClub. A few examples of API Abuse activities are stated below:

  1. Sending a huge number of Check Availability commands for already registered domain names or Register Domain commands, repeatedly.

  2. Adding a large number of Sub-Resellers and/or Customers who do not have any Orders.

Upon detection of API Abuse, ResellerClub would take preventive action to mitigate abuse, as detailed below:

  • If the number of calls exceeds beyond a reasonable limit, your IP address will be temporarily blocked from accessing our servers, for a period of 24 hrs. During this time, you will be unable to make any calls to our Servers using the API. This block will be automatically cleared after 24 hours and an email notification to that effect will be sent to you. However repeated abuse will result in permanent blocking of the Reseller account.

  • If the number of simultaneous connections from a single IP Address, increases beyond a certain number, the system would automatically drop these excessive connections of that Reseller.