Transferring a .UK Domain Name to Another Registrar

There may be cases where you wish to Transfer your .UK domain name away from ResellerClub, to another Registrar. The following process will assist you in ensuring a smooth Transfer of your domain name to the Registrar of your choice.


Inter-Registrar Transfer of a .UK domain name does not include one year Renewal.

  1. Check if your .UK Domain Name can be transferred

    Before proceeding with the Transfer, you are advised to first check if your domain name can be transferred. See details

  2. Initiate the outbound Transfer at ResellerClub

    The process of transferring a .UK domain name from ResellerClub to another Registrar is slightly different compared to the process for domain names under other extensions. In case of a .UK domain name, the outbound Transfer needs to be initiated at ResellerClub, instead of the New Registrar.


    The process listed below can be initiated only from within the Customer Control Panel, since the Customer is considered to be the owner of the domain name.

Once you have determined whether your .UK domain name can be transferred, you need to initiate the outbound Transfer at ResellerClub:

  1. Login to your Customer Control Panel. See details

  2. Search for the .UK domain name that you wish to Transfer away and go to the Order Details view. See details

  3. Click the Transfer Out link.

  4. You need to provide the Tag of the New Registrar to whom you wish to Transfer your .UK domain name. A Tag is an alphanumeric string used to identify a .UK Registrar. The Tag can be obtained by contacting the New Registrar/Service Provider under whom you wish to have your domain name transferred.

  5. Click the Transfer-out Domain button to initiate the Transfer away process.


You will receive a notification via email from ResellerClub, once your .UK domain name has been successfully transferred to the New Registrar.